Topçu, Çiçek2024-08-202024-08-2020222148-72192458-920910.24955/ilef.1031679 study offers a multilevel reading of Denis Villeneuve's film Incendies (2010) through the lens of its filmic framework and a deconstruction and reassembling of the film itself. It begins by using the film to provide a dia-lectical explanation of the main lines and intellectual features of the First, Second, and Third Cinema movements, which succeeded one another but are essentially mutually exclusive. It then connects the features of the film with the narrative features of each of these movements to arrive at a holistic and multi-perspective account of the film. Through a qualitative assessment of which of the film's features are associated with each of these differ-ent movements, the study concludes that the film Incendies has a hybrid structure that erodes the boundaries between different conventions. While underlining the conservatism of the narrative patterns of these three mutu-ally independent cinematic movements, Incendies nevertheless brings them together in way that highlights their dialectic harmony.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFirst CinemaSecond CinemaThird Cinemahybrid narrativecinematic dialecticsIncendies in the context of cinematic dialectics and hybrid narrativeSinemasal diyalektik ve melez anlatı bağlamında İçimdeki YangınArticle433240811742509WOS:000944703100006N/A