Tatanoğlu, Özge BeycanKoçkal, Niyazi Uğur2024-08-202024-08-2020200026-45632651-3048https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/360155https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14591/95Volcanic originated pumice and zeolite aggregates have low density owing to their considerableporous structure. Porosity is usually correlated with insulation properties. In order to examine theeffects of this lightweight aggregates on dead load of structure and insulation properties of standardconstruction materials, samples were produced by using pumice and zeolite at varying percentagesby volume and control samples were manufactured with crushed sand. The samples were exposedto normal (standard) curing, hot water curing and steam curing to observe the effect of differentcuring regimes on their behavior. Bulk density and thermal conductivity tests were carried out onsamples. Both bulk density and thermal conductivity values of the lightweight mortar samples weresmaller than those of control sample. Besides, chemical compositions of aggregates and cement,analyses were also performed. Silica content of pumice and zeolite were %54,09 and %75,14 bymass respectively.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessUtilization of pumice of Burdur region and zeolite of Bigadiç-Balıkesir region as fine aggregate in construction materialsArticle2001611913601550