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    Anti-tuberculosis activity of morusin: a promising flavonoid from white mulberry
    (INT UNION AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS LUNG DISEASE (I U A T L D), 2024) Yıldırım, Kübra; Bozkurt, Serhat; Başıbüyük, Hasan Hüseyin; Çoban, Ahmet Yılmaz
    BACKGROUND: TB has remained a significant public health concern from historical times to the present day. Each year, growing drug resistance problems necessitate the discovery of new drugs and drug precursors for TB treatment. Morusin is an important flavone found in the bark of white mulberry ( Morus alba L.) with anti -oxidant, antimicrobial, anti -tumour, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic activity. OBJECTIVE: To determine the anti -TB efficacy of morusin on Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. DESIGN: Anti -TB efficacy of morusin was tested on H37Ra (American Type Culture Collection [ATCC] 25177), H37Rv (ATCC 27294), ATCC 35822 (isoniazid [INH] resistant), ATCC 35838 (rifampicin [RIF] resistant), and ATCC 35820 (streptomycin [SM] resistant) standard strains and its efficacy was determined using nitrate reductase assay (NRA). RESULTS: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of morusin was tested in the range of 53.83-0.21 mu g/ml. The MIC for H37Ra (ATCC 25177), H37Rv (ATCC 27294) and ATCC 35838 (RIF -resistant) strains were found to be 6.72 mu g/ml, and this was 13.45 mu g/ml for the ATCC 35822 (INHresistant) and ATCC 35820 (SM-resistant) strains. CONCLUSION: To consider morusin as a viable alternative or precursor drug for TB treatment, it is imperative to conduct an exhaustive examination of its mechanism of action and conduct in vitro studies using clinical isolates.
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    Population structure and insecticide resistance status of Tuta absoluta populations from Turkey
    (JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 2021) İnak, Emre; Özdemir, Esengül; Atış, Abdullah Emre; Zelyüt, Filiz Randa; İnak, Arda; Demir, Ünver; Roditakis, Emmanouil
    BACKGROUND Tuta absoluta is a devastating pest in tomato production areas worldwide. After its first introduction to Turkey in 2009, it quickly became the major pest of tomato-growing areas. Although some biocontrol agents have been used, especially in greenhouses, the main control of T. absoluta relies heavily on chemical insecticides. However, failure in chemical control has often been reported due to resistance development. In this study, we investigated (i) the population structure of 22 T. absoluta populations across Turkey by analysing haplotypes, based on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene; (ii) the efficacy of three registered insecticides from different classes (metaflumizone, chlorantraniliprole and spinosad) in real field-greenhouse conditions; and (iii) the geographic distribution of target-site mutations associated with insecticide resistance. RESULTS The efficacy of spinosad was higher than that of chlorantraniliprole and metaflumizone in the greenhouse trials, as documented by the mortality rates obtained, up to 14 days post application. Known resistance mutations in ryanodine receptors (RyR) (i.e. the I4790M/K and G4946E), nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (G275E), acetylcholinesterases (A201S) and voltage-gated sodium channels (F1845Y and V1848I) were found at various frequencies across the populations genotyped. The I4790K diamide resistance mutation in the RyR has been reported for the first time in T. absoluta populations. Although a total of eight haplotypes were found, the overall mean genetic distance was lower than 0.001, indicating the high genetic homogeneity among Turkish T. absoluta populations. CONCLUSION The results will contribute to design area-wide resistance management programs in T. absoluta control in Turkey. However, more monitoring studies are needed to implement evidence-based insecticide resistance management strategies in the frame of integrated pest management.
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    Development of EMS-induced mutagenized groundnut population and discovery of point mutations in the ahFAD2 and Ara h 1 genes by TILLING
    (Japan Oil Chemists Society, 2021) Karaman, Kürşat; Kızıl, Sibel; Başak, Merve; Uzun, Bülent; Yol, Engin
    Reducing allergenicity and increasing oleic content are important goals in groundnut breeding studies. Ara h 1 is a major allergen gene and Delta(12)-fatty-acid desaturase (FAD2) is responsible for converting oleic into linoleic acid. These genes have homoeologues with one copy in each subgenome, identified as Ara h 1.01, Ara h 1.02, ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B in tetraploid groundnut. To alter functional properties of these genes we have generated an Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS) induced mutant population to be used in Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) approach. Seeds were exposed to two EMS concentrations and the germination rates were calculated as 90.1% (1353 plants) for 0.4% and 60.4% (906 plants) for 1.2% EMS concentrations in the M1 generation. Among the 1541 M2 mutants, 768 were analyzed by TILLING using four homoeologous genes. Two heterozygous mutations were identified in the ahFAD2B and ahFAD2A gene regions from 1.2% and 0.4% EMS-treated populations, respectively. The mutation in ahFAD2B resulted in an amino acid change, which was serine to threonine predicted to be tolerated according to SIFT analysis. The other mutation causing amino acid change, glycine to aspartic acid was predicted to affect protein function in ahFAD2A. No mutations were detected in Ara h 1.01 and Ara h 1.02 for both EMS-treatments after sequencing. We estimated the overall mutation rate to be 1 mutation every 2139 kb. The mutation frequencies were also 1/317 kb for ahFAD2A in 0.4% EMS and 1/466 kb for ahFAD2B in 1.2% EMS treatments. The results demonstrated that TILLING is a powerful tool to interfere with gene function in crops and the mutagenized population developed in this study can be used as an efficient reverse genetics tool for groundnut improvement and functional genomics. © 2021 by Japan Oil Chemists’ Society.