Statistics for Antalya Belek University Institutional Repository
Total visits
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Exploring the criteria for a green and smart hotel: Insights from hotel managers' perspectives | 24 |
Happiness, job stress, job dedication and perceived organizational support: a mediating model | 24 |
Let me make mathematics and music together: A meta-analysis of the causal role of music interventions on mathematics achievement | 23 |
Yeni medya okuryazarlığı üzerine bir araştırma: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi örneği | 16 |
Top quality hotel managers' perspectives on smart technologies: an exploratory study | 14 |
A note on polylogarithms and incomplete gamma function | 12 |
Su borularında elektrik üretimi sağlayacak türbin tasarımı ve prototip üretilerek test yapılması | 12 |
Digital labor: business power of the new period | 11 |
Joining analysis of polypropylene parts in rotary friction welding process and developing of joints profile | 10 |
Anti-tuberculosis activity of morusin: a promising flavonoid from white mulberry | 10 |